SCDT SEASON ARTIST IN RESIDENCE FALL 2018 Rythea Lee is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses humor and risky content to inspire and transform both her audiences and herself. She sees performance as a heightened conversation with potential to shift consciousness for all involved. Her most recent mastermind was her one woman show "Impermanence is Exhausting" at SCDT, created during her residency there. The show went so well, SCDT produced it twice with sold out shows and an audience that participated in a bunch of wacky invitations throughout the performance. The piece was about living fully in the face of obvious demise, stepping into joy amidst a sense of falling. Rythea is so grateful to SCDT for supporting her at every level to create a vision she had for a long, long time. Here’s a song from that show https://youtu.be/U52s2oT2jfU Rythea is the star and creator of a Youtube 20-episode, online show called "Advice from a Loving Bitch”, an instructional, therapeutic, performative, and funny series about healing self-hatred at Rythea.com/advice, and is soon to publish a curriculum that goes with the videos for groups and individuals who want to use the course as in-depth study for healing. She is a singer songwriter, visual artist, and author and writing a book on the benefits of having a creative practice called Art Makes Life Worth Living. She has a private practice as a trauma counselor for 23 years and teaches Peer Counseling classes, a practice of peer to peer emotional support. Rythea is the proud Mama of a 7 year old, who is also a regular creative collaborator. |